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What is chatgpt ? Everything you need to know



What is Chatgpt

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot that uses natural language processing to create humanlike conversational dialogue. The language model can respond to questions and compose various written content, including articles, social media posts, essays, code and emails.

ChatGPT is a form of generative AI — a tool that lets users enter prompts to receive humanlike images, text or videos that are created by AI.

ChatGPT is similar to the automated chat services found on customer service websites, as people can ask it questions or request clarification to ChatGPT’s replies. The GPT stands for “Generative Pre-trained Transformer,” which refers to how ChatGPT processes requests and formulates responses. ChatGPT is trained with reinforcement learning through human feedback and reward models that rank the best responses. This feedback helps augment ChatGPT with machine learning to improve future responses.

Who created ChatGPT?

OpenAI — an artificial intelligence research company — created ChatGPT and launched the tool in November 2022. It was founded by a group of entrepreneurs and researchers including Elon Musk and Sam Altman in 2015. OpenAI is backed by several investors, with Microsoft being the most notable. OpenAI also created Dall-E, an AI text-to-art generator.

How does ChatGPT work?

ChatGPT works through its Generative Pre-trained Transformer, which uses specialized algorithms to find patterns within data sequences. ChatGPT originally used the GPT-3 large language model, a neural network machine learning model and the third generation of Generative Pre-trained Transformer. The transformer pulls from a significant amount of data to formulate a response.

ChatGPT now uses the GPT-3.5 model that includes a fine-tuning process for its algorithm. ChatGPT Plus uses GPT-4, which offers a faster response time and internet plugins. GPT-4 can also handle more complex tasks compared with previous models, such as describing photos, generating captions for images and creating more detailed responses up to 25,000 words.

ChatGPT uses deep learning, a subset of machine learning, to produce humanlike text through transformer neural networks. The transformer predicts text — including the next word, sentence or paragraph — based on its training data’s typical sequence.

Training begins with generic data, then moves to more tailored data for a specific task. ChatGPT was trained with online text to learn the human language, and then it used transcripts to learn the basics of conversations.

Human trainers provide conversations and rank the responses. These reward models help determine the best answers. To keep training the chatbot, users can upvote or downvote its response by clicking on thumbs-up or thumbs-down icons beside the answer. Users can also provide additional written feedback to improve and fine-tune future dialogue.

What kinds of questions can users ask ChatGPT?

Users can ask ChatGPT a variety of questions, including simple or more complex questions, such as, “What is the meaning of life?” or “What year did New York become a state?” ChatGPT is proficient with STEM disciplines and can debug or write code. There is no limitation to the types of questions to ask ChatGPT. However, ChatGPT uses data up to the year 2021, so it has no knowledge of events and data past that year. And since it is a conversational chatbot, users can ask for more information or ask it to try again when generating text.

How are people using ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is versatile and can be used for more than human conversations. People have used ChatGPT to do the following:

  1. Code computer programs and check for bugs in code.
  2. Compose music.
  3. Draft emails.
  4. Summarize articles, podcasts or presentations.
  5. Script social media posts.
  6. Create titles for articles.
  7. Solve math problems.
  8. Discover keywords for search engine optimization.
  9. Create articles, blog posts and quizzes for websites.
  10. Reword existing content for a different medium, such as a presentation transcript for a blog post.
  11. Formulate product descriptions.
  12. Play games.
  13. Assist with job searches, including writing resumes and cover letters.
  14. Ask trivia questions.
  15. Describe complex topics more simply.
  16. Write video scripts.
  17. Research markets for products.
  18. Generate art.

Unlike other chatbots, ChatGPT can remember various questions to continue the conversation in a more fluid manner.

What is Chatgpt
ChatGPT’s response when asked to explain quantum computing to a 5-year-old.

What are the benefits of ChatGPT?

Businesses and users are still exploring the benefits of ChatGPT as the program continues to evolve. Some benefits include the following:

  1. Efficiency. AI-powered chatbots can handle routine and repetitive tasks, which can free up employees to focus on more complex and strategic responsibilities.
  2. Cost savings. Using AI chatbots can be more cost-effective than hiring and training additional employees.
  3. Improved content quality. Writers can use ChatGPT to improve grammatical or contextual errors or to help brainstorm ideas for content. Employees can take ordinary text and ask to improve its language or add expressions.
  4. Education and training. ChatGPT can help provide explanations on more complex topics to help serve as a virtual tutor. Users can also ask for guides and any needed clarification on responses.
  5. Better response time. ChatGPT provides instant responses, which reduces wait times for users seeking assistance.
  6. Increased availability. AI models are available around the clock to provide continuous support and assistance.
  7. Multilingual support. ChatGPT can communicate in multiple languages or provide translations for businesses with global audiences.
  8. Personalization. AI chatbots can tailor responses to the user’s preferences and behaviors based on previous interactions.
  9. Scalability. ChatGPT can handle many users simultaneously, which is beneficial for applications with high user engagement.
  10. Natural language understanding. ChatGPT understands and generates humanlike text, so it is useful for tasks such as generating content, answering questions, engaging in conversations and providing explanations.
  11. Digital accessibility. ChatGPT and other AI chatbots can assist individuals with disabilities by providing text-based interactions, which can be easier to navigate than other interfaces.

What are the limitations of ChatGPT? How accurate is it?

Some limitations of ChatGPT include the following:

  1. It does not fully understand the complexity of human language. ChatGPT is trained to generate words based on input. Because of this, responses might seem shallow and lack true insight.
  2. Lack of knowledge for data and events after 2021. The training data ends with 2021 content. ChatGPT can provide incorrect information based on the data from which it pulls. If ChatGPT does not fully understand the query, it might also provide an inaccurate response. ChatGPT is still being trained, so feedback is recommended when an answer is incorrect.
  3. Responses can sound like a machine and unnatural. Since ChatGPT predicts the next word, it can overuse words such as the or and. Because of this, people still need to review and edit content to make it flow more naturally, like human writing.
  4. It summarizes but does not cite sources. ChatGPT does not provide analysis or insight into any data or statistics. ChatGPT might provide statistics but no real commentary on what these statistics mean or how they relate to the topic.
  5. It cannot understand sarcasm and irony. ChatGPT is based on a data set of text.
  6. It might focus on the wrong part of a question and not be able to shift. For example, if you ask ChatGPT, “Does a horse make a good pet based on its size?” and then ask it, “What about a cat?” ChatGPT might focus solely on the size of the animal versus giving information about having the animal as a pet. ChatGPT is not divergent and cannot shift its answer to cover multiple questions in a single response.

What are the ethical concerns associated with ChatGPT?

What are the ethical concerns associated with ChatGPT?

While ChatGPT can be helpful for some tasks, there are some ethical concerns that depend on how it is used, including bias, lack of privacy and security, and cheating in education and work.

Plagiarism and deceitful use

ChatGPT can be used unethically in ways such as cheating, impersonation or spreading misinformation due to its humanlike capabilities. Educators have brought up concerns about students using ChatGPT to cheat, plagiarize and write papers. CNET made the news when it used ChatGPT to create articles that were filled with errors.

To help prevent cheating and plagiarizing, OpenAI announced an AI text classifier to distinguish between human- and AI-generated text. However, after six months of availability, OpenAI pulled the tool due to a “low rate of accuracy.”

There are online tools, such as Copyleaks or, to classify how likely it is that text was written by a person versus being AI-generated. OpenAI plans to add a watermark to longer text pieces to help identify AI-generated content.

Because ChatGPT can write code, it also presents a problem for cybersecurity. Threat actors can use ChatGPT to help create malware. An update addressed the issue of creating malware by stopping the request, but threat actors might find ways around OpenAI’s safety protocol.

ChatGPT can also be used to impersonate a person by training it to copy someone’s writing and language style. The chatbot could then impersonate a trusted person to collect sensitive information or spread disinformation.

Bias in training data

One of the biggest ethical concerns with ChatGPT is its bias in training data. If the data the model pulls from has any bias, it is reflected in the model’s output. ChatGPT also does not understand language that might be offensive or discriminatory. The data needs to be reviewed to avoid perpetuating bias, but including diverse and representative material can help control bias for accurate results.

Replacing jobs and human interaction

As technology advances, ChatGPT might automate certain tasks that are typically completed by humans, such as data entry and processing, customer service, and translation support. People are worried that it could replace their jobs, so it’s important to consider ChatGPT and AI’s effect on workers.

Rather than replacing workers, ChatGPT can be used as support for job functions and creating new job opportunities to avoid loss of employment. For example, lawyers can use ChatGPT to create summaries of case notes and draft contracts or agreements. And copywriters can use ChatGPT for article outlines and headline ideas.

Privacy issues

ChatGPT uses text based on input, so it could potentially reveal sensitive information. The model’s output can also track and profile individuals by collecting information from a prompt and associating this information with the user’s phone number and email. The information is then stored indefinitely.

How can you access ChatGPT?

To access ChatGPT, create an OpenAI account. Go to and then select “Sign Up” and enter an email address, or use a Google or Microsoft account to log in.

After signing up, type a prompt or question in the message box on the ChatGPT homepage. Users can then do the following:

  1. Enter a different prompt for a new query or ask for clarification.
  2. Regenerate the response.
  3. Share the response.
  4. Like or dislike the response with the thumbs-up or thumbs-down option.
  5. Copy the response.

What to do if ChatGPT is at capacity?

Even though ChatGPT can handle numerous users at a time, it reaches maximum capacity occasionally when there is an overload. This usually happens during peak hours, such as early in the morning or in the evening, depending on the time zone.

If it is at capacity, try using it at different times or hit refresh on the browser. Another option is to upgrade to ChatGPT Plus, which is a subscription, but is typically always available, even during high-demand periods.

Is ChatGPT free?

ChatGPT is available for free through OpenAI’s website. Users need to register for a free OpenAI account. There is also an option to upgrade to ChatGPT Plus for access to GPT-4, faster responses, no blackout windows and unlimited availability. ChatGPT Plus also gives priority access to new features for a subscription rate of $20 per month.

Without a subscription, there are limitations. The most notable limitation of the free version is access to ChatGPT when the program is at capacity. The Plus membership gives unlimited access to avoid capacity blackouts.

What are the alternatives to ChatGPT?

Because of ChatGPT’s popularity, it is often unavailable due to capacity issues. Google announced Bard in response to ChatGPT. Google Bard will draw information directly from the internet through a Google search to provide the latest information.

Microsoft added ChatGPT functionality to Bing, giving the internet search engine a chat mode for users. The ChatGPT functionality in Bing isn’t as limited because its training is up to date and doesn’t end with 2021 data and events.

There are other text generator alternatives to ChatGPT, including the following:

  1. AI-Writer.
  2. Article Forge.
  3. ChatSonic.
  4. Copysmith.
  5. DeepL Write.
  6. Google Bard.
  7. Jasper.
  8. Magic Write.
  9. Open Assistant.
  10. Peppertype.
  11. Perplexity AI.
  12. Spellbook.
  13. Rytr.
  14. YouChat.

Coding alternatives for ChatGPT include the following:

  1. AlphaCode.
  2. Amazon CodeWhisperer.
  3. CodeStarter.
  4. CodeWP.
  5. Cody.
  6. Enzyme.
  7. Ghostwriter.
  8. GitHub Copilot.
  10. OpenAI Codex.
  11. Seek.
  12. Tabnine.

ChatGPT updates 2023

In August 2023, OpenAI announced an enterprise version of ChatGPT. The enterprise version offers the higher-speed GPT-4 model with a longer context window, customization options and data analysis. This model of ChatGPT does not share data outside the organization.

In September 2023, OpenAI announced a new update that allows ChatGPT to speak and recognize images. Users can upload pictures of what they have in their refrigerator and ChatGPT will provide ideas for dinner. Users can engage to get step-by-step recipes with ingredients they already have. People can also use ChatGPT to ask questions about photos — such as landmarks — and engage in conversation to learn facts and history.

Users can also use voice to engage with ChatGPT and speak to it like other voice assistants. People can have conversations to request stories, ask trivia questions or request jokes among other options.

The voice update will be available on apps for both iOS and Android. Users will just need to opt-in to use it in their settings. Images will be available on all platforms — including apps and ChatGPT’s website.

In November 2023, OpenAI announced the rollout of GPTs, which let users customize their own version of ChatGPT for a specific use case. For example, a user could create a GPT that only scripts social media posts, checks for bugs in code, or formulates product descriptions. The user can input instructions and knowledge files in the GPT builder to give the custom GPT context. OpenAI also announced the GPT store, which will let users share and monetize their custom bots.

In December 2023, OpenAI partnered with Axel Springer to train its AI models on news reporting. ChatGPT users will see summaries of news stories from Bild and Welt, Business Insider and Politico as part of this deal. This agreement gives ChatGPT more current information in its chatbot answers and gives users another way to access news stories. OpenAI also announced an agreement with the Associated Press to use the news reporting archive for chatbot responses.

Chat GPT Update 2024

Introducing the GPT Store and ChatGPT Team plan (Jan 10, 2024)

Discover what’s trending in the GPT Store

The store features a diverse range of GPTs developed by our partners and the community. Browse popular and trending GPTs on the community leaderboard, with categories like DALL·E, writing, research, programming, education, and lifestyle.

Explore GPTs at

Use ChatGPT alongside your team

ChatGpt launching a new ChatGPT plan in 2024 for teams of all sizes, which provides a secure, collaborative workspace to get the most out of ChatGPT at work.

ChatGPT Team offers access to our advanced models like GPT-4 and DALL·E 3, and tools like Advanced Data Analysis. It additionally includes a dedicated collaborative workspace for your team and admin tools for team management. As with ChatGPT Enterprise, you own and control your business data — we do not train on your business data or conversations, and our models don’t learn from your usage. More details on our data privacy practices can be found on our privacy page and Trust Portal.


What is Devin? The AI software engineer everyone is talking about




Discover the groundbreaking AI software engineer, Devin, designed to revolutionize software development through collaboration with humans. Explore Devin’s capabilities, origins, impact, and future outlook.

Devin is not just a program; it’s a groundbreaking AI that acts as a software engineer, capable of coding, debugging, and even developing apps and websites. Created by Cognition and led by Scott Wu, Devin represents a significant leap in AI’s role in software development. It’s designed to work alongside humans, enhancing productivity rather than replacing jobs. With abilities to learn and adapt, Devin is reshaping how software engineering tasks are approached, promising a future where AI and humans collaborate more closely. Here’s a quick look at what Devin brings to the table:

  • AI as a Software Engineer: Devin can handle coding, testing, and deployment autonomously in multiple programming languages.
  • Learning and Adapting: It learns from each project, improving its efficiency and capabilities over time.
  • Collaboration with Humans: Designed to assist rather than replace human engineers, enhancing team productivity.
  • Real-World Applications: From website creation to app development and software testing, Devin has already shown its potential in actual projects.

This intro not only highlights Devin’s capabilities but also emphasizes its role in the future of software engineering, focusing on collaboration between AI and humans for enhanced productivity and innovation.

Origins and Creator

Cognition, the company behind Devin, is led by a guy named Scott Wu. They focus on making AI smarter, especially in solving problems. With Devin, their aim is to have an AI “buddy” that can team up with real engineers. Devin can handle the day-to-day stuff, which lets engineers solve bigger, tougher problems.

Brief History of AI in Software Engineering

AI has been around in coding for a long time but in small ways:

  • Tools in coding programs (IDEs) use AI to guess what you’re going to type next.
  • Some programs automatically check your code for mistakes or style issues.
  • There are AI tools that can chat with you while you code, giving advice.

Devin is a big step up from these. It’s the first AI that can fully take on coding tasks by itself, from start to finish. Before Devin, AI tools were more like helpers, focusing on one thing at a time. Devin can understand big tasks and handle them on its own.

Capabilities of Devin

Devin is like a super-smart robot that knows how to code. It’s made to help with building and improving software, which is a big deal for people who make apps and websites.

Coding, Testing, and Deployment

  • Coding: Devin can write in many computer languages like Python and JavaScript. It can make all sorts of things, like websites, apps, and more, just by understanding what you need.
  • Testing: It checks its own work for mistakes to make sure everything runs smoothly and does what it’s supposed to do.
  • Deployment: After making something, Devin can set it up on the internet or wherever it needs to go, making sure it works well for everyone.
  • Adapting and learning: Devin gets better over time. It learns new tech stuff, picks up new skills, and uses them to tackle new challenges.

Advanced Features

  • Planning and reasoning: Devin can figure out how to build complex software, breaking big projects into smaller tasks before starting to code. It thinks through problems to find the best solutions.
  • Recalling context: It remembers important details about the project, like what the goal is and what tools to use, so it doesn’t get mixed up.
  • Self-correction: As Devin works more, it learns how to do things better and can update how it works all by itself.
  • Training AI models: Devin can also train mini-robot brains to do specific tasks within a project, like making predictions or recommendations.

With Devin, the goal is to make the job of software engineers easier by doing a lot of the heavy lifting, while still working well with humans.

How Devin Works

Devin is pretty smart. It uses some of the latest AI tech to figure out what you need, plan how to do it, write code, and even fix its own mistakes.

Algorithms and Knowledge Base

Think of Devin as having a huge library in its head. It knows a lot about different programming languages, how to build software, and the best ways to get things done. When you ask Devin to do something, it uses this library to understand your request.

First, Devin breaks down what you’ve asked into smaller pieces it can understand. Then, it digs into its library to find the best way to tackle your request. It thinks about things like how fast it needs to work, how big the project is, and how to make everything run smoothly.

After planning, Devin starts writing code. It knows languages like Python and JavaScript and can figure out the best way to put everything together. Devin also checks its work to make sure it all makes sense.

As Devin works on more projects, it learns and gets even better. This means it can handle new challenges and keep up with the latest tech stuff.

Integration with Teams

Devin isn’t just working alone; it’s part of the team. It can talk to human engineers, update them on what it’s doing, and get their feedback.

Devin does the routine stuff like writing basic code and checking for mistakes. This lets the human engineers focus on the trickier problems. Working together, they can build things faster and more creatively.

Devin also learns from working with the team. It gets better by understanding the team’s style and preferences. This learning makes Devin a better team player over time.

In short, Devin is like a super-helpful robot that knows a lot about coding. It works with human engineers, doing the heavy lifting so they can focus on solving big problems. Together, they make a great team, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in tech.

Real-World Impact

Devin is designed to work with engineers to help them do their jobs better, not to take their jobs away. So far, it’s been pretty good at solving software problems and helping with actual projects.

Performance Metrics

In tests, Devin managed to solve about 14 out of every 100 software problems it was given. That’s a big deal because older AI models could only solve about 2 out of 100. These tests show that Devin is really good at:

  • Finding and fixing errors in code
  • Pointing out mistakes in how the code is set up
  • Offering ways to make the code better

And as Devin learns more, it’s expected to get even better at these things.

Use Cases

Devin has been put to work on real projects, like on freelance job sites such as Upwork. Here are some ways people have used Devin:

  • Website Creation: Devin has made websites for clients, taking care of how the site looks and connecting it to databases. People were happy with the work.
  • App Development: For a mobile app, Devin helped design the look of the app and write the code that makes the app work. This made the development process faster.
  • Software Testing: Devin was used to check software for problems, find those issues, and suggest how to fix them. This let the human engineers focus more on creating new features.

These examples show that Devin can work well with human teams on real projects. By doing the routine tasks, it lets engineers aim for bigger goals.

Future Outlook


Devin is showing us what the future might look like for AI in coding. It’s like a sneak peek into a world where AI can do even more amazing things. Imagine Devin or similar AI tools in the future being able to:

  • Handle really big and complicated coding projects all by themselves
  • Look after huge amounts of code
  • Take care of complex software systems
  • Come up with new ways to solve problems, maybe even inventing new kinds of code
  • Teach other AI to handle special coding tasks
  • Make software that gets better on its own

Right now, Devin is still learning. It can’t fully grasp the deeper meaning of what it’s coding. But as AI gets smarter, it could start doing things we usually think only humans can do, like designing better software or coming up with new tech ideas.

Broader Influence

As AI like Devin gets better, it’s going to change how we think about coding jobs. But it’s not all about taking away jobs. Here’s how Devin and AI can actually help:

  • They can do the boring code work, so humans can think up new ideas
  • Make creating software faster and less of a hassle
  • Help people who don’t know much about coding make their own programs
  • Lead to new ways of coding with AI’s help
  • Change how software teams work, making AI a key team member
  • Increase the need for people who know how to work with AI in coding

AI helpers like Devin won’t replace coders. Instead, they’ll become important teammates, helping bring to life the next big things in tech. Learning to work with AI in coding is going to be a big deal for anyone in tech.


– Will Devin replace programmers?

No, Devin is here to work with people, not take their jobs. It’s made to do the everyday coding stuff so that human programmers can tackle bigger challenges. Even as AI gets smarter, things like coming up with new ideas and working with others are still very much a human job.

– Who created Devin AI?

A company named Cognition made Devin. Scott Wu started this company, and it’s filled with smart people who know a lot about AI, making software, and turning ideas into products.

– Will coding be obsolete in the next 5 years?

Coding won’t disappear in the next 5 years. AI like Devin can take over some parts of coding, but humans are still needed for the creative and tough parts. The future will likely see people and AI working together more, using both their strengths.

– Who is the world’s first AI CEO?

In 2014, a company called Deep Knowledge Ventures made history by adding an AI system named VITAL to its board. VITAL wasn’t exactly a CEO but did have a big role in making decisions, which was a first.

– Who is the godfather of AI?

John McCarthy is often called the godfather of AI because he came up with the name “artificial intelligence” in 1955. He also helped start the whole field of AI with a big meeting in 1956 and worked on many key ideas in AI.


Devin is a big deal because it’s the first AI that can do the job of a software engineer all by itself. It’s really good at figuring out how to solve coding problems and can even teach other AI how to do specific tasks. This is a big step forward in how smart AI is becoming.

Here’s what makes Devin so important:

  • Makes work faster: Devin can do a lot of the regular coding work, which means the human coders can spend more time on coming up with new ideas. This could make the whole team get more done.
  • New ways to work together: Having an AI like Devin on the team means people can think of new ways to work with AI. It’s like having a super smart helper that’s always ready.
  • Speeds up making software: Devin can do coding, testing, and putting software out there much quicker. This means we can see new apps and websites faster than before.
  • Easier for everyone: Devin can make it easier for people who don’t know how to code to make their own software. It’s kind of like having a coding helper that does the hard work for you.
  • Changing jobs: As AI like Devin gets better, we might need to think differently about what it means to be a software engineer. There might be more jobs for people who know how to work with AI developers.

Devin starting to work like a real software engineer is exciting because it could change how we make software. While some people are worried about jobs changing, Devin also offers a lot of good things, like making it easier to create new technology.

What is Devin AI software?

Devin is a smart tool that helps with coding by itself. It can understand what you want to make, write the code, find and fix errors, and get better over time by learning. Devin’s goal is to take care of the routine coding tasks so that human coders can focus on more complex problems.

How does Devin work?

Devin uses smart tech to understand your coding requests and turn them into actual code. It plans, writes, tests, and fixes code in different programming languages like Python and JavaScript. Devin also works with coding teams by doing the basic coding tasks, letting the human coders tackle the harder stuff.

What does an AI engineer do?

AI engineers create the brains behind AI applications. They write the programs that make AI work, run tests to learn and improve AI, create data AI can learn from, make sure AI is working well, and keep up with new discoveries in AI.

Are software engineers worried about AI?

Yes, some coders are concerned that AI might do a lot of their job in the future, which could mean fewer jobs for them. However, AI is also expected to create new types of jobs, like specialists in AI apps, data experts, and roles focused on making sure AI is used responsibly. Being open to learning new things will be important.

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Affiliate Marketing Beginners Guide 2024 (How To Get Started)



Affiliate Marketing

Discover the world of affiliate marketing, an easy entry into entrepreneurship, with this comprehensive, beginner-friendly guide.

Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways you can make a passive stream of income.

You don’t need to have a website or even be a social media influencer – you only need to be a creative marketer.

One of my favorite examples from a conference about 12 or so years ago was someone who used affiliate links for dating programs by setting up road signs in heavy rush-hour traffic areas.

As people drove home from work and sat in traffic, they saw the signs and visited the URLs, which were landing pages or redirects through the affiliate links.

But that’s not a very sustainable strategy – just a unique way to make money as an affiliate marketer.

As you can see, there is no shortage of ways to make money with affiliate marketing, and this guide will help you devise a strategy and start your journey.

It is based on my 20+/- years of experience being an affiliate managing programs – and for a short time, managing an affiliate network.

Even if you’re already an expert, there are likely ideas you haven’t tried yet.

The strategies in this guide apply to individual people like bloggers and social media stars, businesses and non-profit organizations, and media outlets or publications looking to make money with affiliate marketing.

There’s a ton of information below, including statistics on what affiliates actually earn from some of the largest affiliate networks, so get ready to dive in.

We’ll start with defining what affiliate marketing is, go into the truth about what you should expect earnings-wise, and then ways you can become an affiliate, including unique ideas I’ve had but haven’t implemented or tried yet. That one is in the how to get started section.

Tip four in the “tips for beginners” section is more of an advanced affiliate marketing strategy as it is commonly overlooked and a missed opportunity for you to make money.

And there are other hidden gems mixed throughout.

What Is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a performance marketing channel where a person or entity earns a commission by promoting a product or service.

In some instances, a mixed payment model like a flat fee with a commission or a commission and a lead CPA, a cost per click, a download, or other events could become options.

Leads could be app downloads, upsells in games, a form fill-out, newsletter sign-ups, and more.

There are three parties that interact to make the affiliate marketing channel work.

Affiliates (Also Known As Publishers And What You Are)

This is the person, company, or entity that is promoting a store, product, or service in exchange for a commission.

Merchants (Also Known As Offers)

A brand or service provider who is paying others to promote their offerings on a revenue-sharing basis.

Merchants may also create private bundles, packages, or funnels; these one-off deals normally have custom commissions. They are referred to as offers.

Affiliate Networks

The tracking platform that holds money in escrow, provides compliance guidelines, pays the partners, and tracks the conversions is known as the affiliate network. There are three types:

  • Traditional – You’ll find ecommerce brands with their products listed, as well as lead offers from insurance companies, subscriptions, service providers, and even non-profits looking to fundraise.
  • CPA – The CPA network differs from a traditional affiliate network because it lists single offers or product bundles with a flat payout. The affiliates in CPA networks choose offers and negotiate commissions based on the offer vs. having a full suite of product tools where they can mix and match commission models.
  • Sub – Sub-affiliate networks are when other traditional affiliate networks or CPA affiliate networks join an affiliate program and list the merchant on their platform. This can also include monetization tools where an affiliate installs a JavaScript on their website, and the JavaScript turns backlinks into affiliate links on the exit click.

How Much Money Can You Make With Affiliate Marketing?

The amount of money you can make from affiliate marketing is limited to your ability to bring high- and mid-level intent users to your tracking links and convert them.

However, it is important to know that most people do not make a living exclusively from affiliate marketing. It’s a combination of channels and monetization strategies.

But don’t get discouraged; it is easy to earn a few thousand a year and then grow your income from there.

Affiliate revenue can complement and sometimes beat cost per thousand impressions (CPM) and flat fee rates, not to mention tide you over when sponsorships and ambassadorships dry up.

And almost every affiliate platform offers multiple ways for you to get paid. As the affiliate, it is up to you to talk to the affiliate programs you join to get increased percentages, flat fees, and mixed models.

I talked to multiple affiliate platforms, including some of the largest and most trusted networks in the US (a special thank you to ShareASale,, and AWIN) to share stats on what percentage of affiliates that make at least $1 per year earn by revenue group in a 12 month period.

The following is the average based on the combined data we got from the groups we talked to (which isn’t limited to the ones mentioned above.) I’ve been asked not to share specifics from the contributors, so I will not.

But we talked to associations, SaaS private labels, etc.

Annual Earnings% of Partners
< 1K79.75%
> 100K2.45%

Affiliate payment models and actions can include a traditional affiliate payment which is a percentage of sales, and be combined with the following:

  1. Flat fees for a sale or package.
  2. Cost-per-click payments.
  3. Cost per verified lead payments.
  4. Fee per download.
  5. Flat fee payments on upsells in a shopping cart.
  6. CPM (cost per thousand impressions).
  7. Newsletter sign-ups.
  8. Form completion fees (different from verified leads where payment is made or verification happens).
  9. Sponsorship and exclusivity fees.
  10. And more!

How Does Affiliate Marketing Work?

Affiliate marketing works using the following steps:

  1. You discover you can build an audience or reach an audience that has a need.
  2. Once a need is identified, you create a strategy to get your tracking link or code in front of the group.
  3. From there, you match the audience you’re reaching to the store, product, or service provider who has an affiliate program.
  4. Locate the best network or platform for the affiliate program and join.
  5. Once approved, verify your promotional method is compliant with the manager.
  6. Begin putting your tracking links or codes in front of the audience (with compliant advertising disclosures) and check the affiliate network to ensure clicks, leads, and sales are tracking.
  7. Expand on what works and continue to grow your income.

Types Of Affiliate Marketing

There’s almost no limit to the types of affiliate marketing.

Some methods have short-term revenue boosts, like sharing a link on social media, and others can build sustainable revenue for the long haul, like building destination websites.

You can even do affiliate marketing in person via presentations at a conference or handing out contact cards at a nightclub or networking event.

I’ve done this personally by using custom URLs and QR codes (with advertising disclosures).

And don’t limit yourself. You can mix and match to create a stream of revenue that has seasonal highs, bursts of revenue during slow times, and builds an audience you can scale – and eventually sell the destination property if you’d like.

Here are some of the ways you can be an affiliate marketer:

  • Websites and blogs – Whether your website is topically niche, a reviews site, or you create how-to guides (recipes, home improvement, etc.), affiliate links can be used as tools, solutions, and complementary banners in a sidebar.
  • Social media influencers – Can share affiliate links as they feature products and solutions. Having a vanity code is a great way to track sales if no clickable link is available (as long as it doesn’t leak to coupon sites and cash-back browser extensions).
  • Social media advertising – Brands can only gain so much coverage on their own. By having experienced social media marketers running ads, they can increase their reach. And if you have a fan base, boosting your own posts through the ad platform is another form of paid social media that can work. Ask your affiliate managers for a boost budget if they’re asking for shares and you have an engaged audience.
  • Social and professional groups – Let’s say you belong to a photography club or a professional Slack channel, or maybe you are part of or own a Facebook group for like-minded people. If you have permission from the owner, share your affiliate links with them. Better yet, the group owner can do it to raise funds for get-togethers and a slush fund if a member is ever in need.
  • PPC – If the affiliate program allows for it, try running PPC ads. If you do trademark or trademark + coupons/reviews/etc., you will likely get removed from the programs, so don’t do it unless you have permission. Adding value to the brand and using non-branded phrases is always the safest route. Make sure to read the TOS of the program and ask the manager if direct linking or landing pages are required – you don’t want all of your commissions reversed because you forgot to check first.
  • Destination sites and apps – Destination sites and apps are places people go to be part of a community and find resources because they have full trust in the place; it is their go-to destination. By being the leading authority, you can set up comparison pricing, booking, and shopping engines, as well as creative ways to use data and deal feeds to monetize the audience while providing resources.
  • Ebooks and courses – Have you written an ebook, or do you sell a course that mentions a product, software, or service? You can use affiliate links here too.
  • Subscriptions – Do you sell sports bet predictions or horoscopes, do paid marketing or professional newsletters, or even manage a subscription box? You can incorporate affiliate links into these.
    • For sports bets, why not promote the venues they can place bets from and sell fan merchandise to loyal fans?
  • YouTube – This is one of the top ways affiliates earn. People come to YouTube to learn how to do something, from styling hair to fixing their boats. They also look for comparisons and reviews. Each of these is prime for making money with affiliate links in the description and vanity codes in the videos.
    • Don’t forget social media platforms that use video, like Reels, TikToks, etc.
  • Newsletters and email – Email is not dead, and if you have an active list, you know the audience breakdowns. Share relevant and timely communications with them, and even deals on products they would need at the moment. Your email and newsletter list are your money-makers as long as you don’t abuse them.
  • SMS – Just like emails above, if you don’t abuse your list, you can get an audience that clicks and shops. They tend to be younger, so audience matching here from the products, venues, and time/season is vital.
  • Perks portals – Have you ever landed on the “thank you” page of a website, and there are offers for other companies? These are likely affiliate links or a hybrid affiliate commission + fee (cost per click, CPM, or flat fee).
  • Cashback – If you’re getting cash back from a vendor, browser extension, or website, you’re getting a part of the commission they’re earning. You can offer cash back too, but make sure to talk to a licensed attorney and a certified CPA to get the processes and protections in place before starting.
  • Coupon and deal sites – Coupon websites and deal sites (deal sites share products on sales vs. a coupon for a brand) are normally powered by affiliate commissions. They pull in product and deal feeds and collect commissions as you click and checkout.
  • Reviews – Reviewing products in writing, on videos, and on social media is a great way to earn affiliate commissions.
  • Partnerships and co-branded campaigns – One of my favorite strategies is to partner with other companies to promote each other with direct links or affiliate links. It could be blog posts, email blasts, co-sponsoring a giveaway on a third-party site (with an influencer or blogger), etc. You can reach other audiences, track everything, and generate income. These stats can then be used to build larger partnerships, especially if you’re smaller. You can approach a big brand and say, “Here are our stats and what you can expect for a CAC and ROAS compared to your other efforts.”
  • Gift guides and portals – Gift websites that create lists, registries, or gift ideas listicles can all make money through affiliate links. It’s literally product and shopping-based content, so conversions and user intent are high.
  • Planning apps – Apps that help people plan events (weddings, baptisms, birthdays, etc.) or even decorate a room are perfect for making money with affiliate marketing. You provide ideas and guidance, and the users provide preferences. You’re already making recommendations, and they’re going to be shopping. Have them shop through your affiliate links for extra revenue in your pocket. It’s money on the table.
  • Offline ads – Buy ad space in a bathroom, a movie theatre screen, billboards, bus stops, or even a shopping cart space inside a store and have a QR code to get the person to take action. You could even offer a comparison price if you know the website is cheaper than in person, and offer a discount. If there’s a downloadable app, you have a captive audience and a message about saving right there on the spot.
  • Listicles – These are the “best” and aspirational lists you’ll see ranking for shopping queries. Some could be the best XYZ product or service, others could be vacations and places to visit.

How To Get Started With Affiliate Marketing?

Many successful affiliates already have a platform, but there’s no reason you cannot start from scratch.

By going in with a plan, you can start your affiliate marketing journey with a more controlled approach, measurable steps, and the potential for better results.

Step 1: Pick A Niche You Are Excited By

The first step in affiliate marketing is to figure out what you can write about, talk about, be interviewed about, and not get tired of for at least three or four years.

If it bores you, or you pick a niche purely for performance, you’re less likely to see genuine success.

I know this from experience. You have to have passion to keep it interesting. Create an experience people will want to keep coming back to, that they will trust, and that they will share with others who are interested in the topic.

You must also be knowledgeable on the subject, or you will lack authenticity. It’s similar to E-E-A-T.

Here’s a way to see if the niche is a good one for you to try:

Create a list of at least 50 topics under that niche with 2 or 3 unique talking points about each.

If you cannot find at least 50 that are unique from each other, you may not have the expertise yet. You also won’t have enough content to publish or do something new for a full year. This will limit you.

That doesn’t mean you have to stop; instead, think of a complementary niche and see if it is topically relevant to the one you have. That includes audience demographics, stores, or service providers that cater to both topics, and you feel equally enthusiastic towards it.

If there is, this complementary theme will help you get to 50.

Step 2: Find Affiliate Programs To Join

Before you build a website, YouTube channel, podcast, or buy media, make sure there are programs that have an audience match and will accept your promotional methods.

Some affiliate programs don’t want review, deal, or coupon sites, for example. So if that was your plan, you may not have options right now.

Others don’t want podcasts, newsletter features, YouTube content creators, or PPC marketers because they don’t see the value.

And the same goes for audience matching.

Suppose none of the programs cater to a female demographic, but you have women as an audience. In that case, chances are you won’t make as much as you would with other niches because the shopping and conversion experience doesn’t meet their needs.

And if your promotional methods aren’t accepted in the program, your commissions will get reversed because you broke the program’s terms of service. But you can still make money in other ways.

Pro tip: Always read the program terms of service before joining and get permission for your promotional methods from the company before starting. This is how you can help to protect yourself. Don’t ever join, and just hope for the best.

Step 3: Launch Your Plan

Now it’s time to launch your plan. It could include a website, landing pages for paid media, a podcast, a YouTube channel, social media accounts, or any other way you plan to get your links to the right audience.

Here’s the idea I mentioned in the opening.

If you’ve been to a nightclub, bar, or even a hotel lobby bar, you’ve likely seen bathroom advertisements. They could be in the stalls or on the walls by the sinks. This is prime real estate with a captive audience.

If it is a late-night establishment vs. a daytime restaurant or the go-to pub by a large hotel that hosts conferences, this is what I’d be looking for.

As people have been drinking and the night is coming to a close, they will use the restroom before getting in a cab or Uber. They will also have some immediate needs, thoughts, or wants. This is where you can run your affiliate links.

  • Buy ad space in the restroom.
  • Have a QR code that redirects through your affiliate links on the ad.
  • Find affiliate programs that would resonate with the specific types of patrons in that restroom. Nightclubs have different needs than high-end hotel bars, for example.

Here are niches that I’d potentially try for nightclubs:

  • Late-night food delivery apps as people need to soak up the booze.
  • Dating apps that cater to specific age ranges or demographics based on the type of nightclub (music, age demographic, LGBTQ+, etc.).
  • Hydration therapy (IV drips) where you can book or do a quick and easy lead form, especially if you can book for the next morning, and they’ll come to you.
  • Pregnancy tests or STD tests and clinic appointments.

And don’t count yourself out – this could be applied to ads on shopping carts at grocery stores or convenience stores. Shoppers see them, and you can gauge the audience based on Census Bureau data and store customer data.

Fun fact: Years ago, I did something similar to the above. There was a way to pay the app to send a message to everyone within a multiple-mile radius of a city center, and you could include a custom message with a URL (the link wasn’t clickable, though). I used it to target people in major cities at roughly 1:50 and 2:00 a.m. with two push notifications.

In the notification, I had a message like: “Going home alone? Have a snack meet you there! Click here to order.” Then, I would include a food delivery solution or relevant match to the message with late-night service.

The app caught on that I wasn’t sending “I’m available to date” messaging since that was the purpose of the push, so my account got closed. Oddly enough, I think it started selling push notification ad spaces afterward, so the company benefited too.

Affiliate Marketing Tips For Beginners

The very first thing to do is check out my checklist of things to look for before joining an affiliate program.

This way, you’re ready to pick the affiliate programs with the best chance of making money.

Then it’s time to get into the right mindset – and this starts with rejection.

Tip 1: Take Rejection Well

You find the perfect affiliate program and are excited because they have the perfect product, amazing commissions, and your audience is asking for it.

You apply, get rejected, and the affiliate manager either doesn’t respond or gives you a generic email. It happens to all of us.

Don’t get upset, and definitely do not respond with a rude email to the manager. Instead, email why you’re a good match and share an example of how you’ll be adding value. It may not get you into the program, but that’s life.

If they still don’t respond, see if the PR team has an alternate program on a non-affiliate but still commissionable platform. That could be your way in.

If you cannot work with the company you wanted, look for their competitors and see if Amazon sells the product, too.

There’s almost always an alternative to your first and second choice.

And at some point in time, once your platform is large enough, they’ll come to you. When they do, require a custom commission and share that you were initially rejected, and it will take work to replace your current vendors.

But again, be professional and don’t place blame or focus on the past. You don’t want to ruin the opportunity.

A final option is to look for sub-affiliate networks. There are massive players out there, like Skimlinks, and niche ones that dominate in spaces like fashion. They have access to the brands and can get you in until the brand is ready to work with you.

Tip 2: Don’t Focus On High Commissions And EPCs

Higher commissions and high earnings per click (EPCs) do not mean more money.

The amount you make depends on multiple factors.

Average order value (AOV), proper attribution commissioning, allowing software affiliates in the checkout process, conversion rates, etc., all impact the amount you earn outside of the payout.

Look at the entire sales flow and your demographic matches, then account for leaks and other affiliate touchpoints.

The higher commission may only be there because you are going to make less due to other factors that can replace your tracking.

Tip 3: Be Open To Testing

Always test merchants, messaging, and links.

In one of our B2B affiliate programs, we pay different amounts on different packages.

We regularly test affiliate promotional wording, and when we change a single word or a selling point, the higher packages sell more frequently, and the partners earn more.

Then the same learnings can be applied to partners with similar traffic and audiences.

In another program, we discovered (because our top partners shared conversion data) that most of the competitors have roughly equal conversions on desktop – but we are the highest by a couple of percentage points in mobile traffic.

When we approach new partners and they say they’re happy with the competitor, we ask what percentage of their traffic is mobile.

When they give a higher number, we share what they could be making based on the data we have from similar traffic sources if they work with us instead.

If they don’t test, they’ll continue to think they’re maxing out profits, which is not always the case.

Tip 4: Monetize Everything Relevant

One of the most common mistakes I see when people monetize their channels is that they forget there are places where actions take place and no affiliate links.

This includes emails and newsletters, social media shares, and blog posts.

When people post to Facebook, and there are multiple images, don’t forget to edit the description on each so it is unique, add relevant hashtags, and upload the specific affiliate link to purchase on each image.

Here’s an example I did on my feed with a few products, then deleted. Please note I used an advertising disclosure – this is important for both you and the programs you’re promoting.

In this screenshot, you’ll see I used one affiliate link (I may bring someone to a blog post from this one vs. a direct link to shop since I have three different stores).

In full transparency, I manage the affiliate program for the music boxes, but I am not mentioning which program it is. This guide is to help you, not promote my clients.

In this next screenshot, I clicked on the music box, and if you look to the right, I describe why it is a gift for the theme (I didn’t use hashtags on this one) and share the affiliate link that would take you to the product.


Getting started in affiliate marketing is easy, and there is no shortage of ways or opportunities.

You probably won’t get rich, but you can make extra income while having a lot of fun doing it.

As a bonus, once you become an affiliate marketer, you will learn analytics, tracking, and multiple forms of marketing, including SEO, email, content writing, media buying, etc. This will set you up to scale as a marketer in a company if you want a full-time marketing job.

And best of all, affiliate marketing is a low-cost way to start your own business and become your own boss.

I hope you take the plunge and give it a try – I owe most of my career to this industry, and I look forward to seeing you succeed in it, too.

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Google Launches Gemini-Powered Search Ads To More Advertisers




Google integrates its Gemini AI model into Google Ads to streamline campaign creation.

Google has integrated its most advanced AI model in tech, called Gemini, into the Google Ads platform to enhance advertising performance. Gemini’s first integration automatically generates relevant content for advertiser’s creative and performance assets, including images, headlines, descriptions and keywords.


  • Google added its advanced AI, Gemini, to Google Ads.
  • Gemini is said to help create better ad campaigns with less work.
  • Google is carefully integrating Gemini and plans more AI features for advertisers.

Google has integrated its most advanced AI model, called Gemini, into the Google Ads platform to enhance advertising performance.

According to Shashi Thakur, Vice President and General Manager of Google Ads, this integration is meant to make it easier to create ad campaigns and help ads connect better with what people are searching for online as search behavior evolves.

Gemini: A New Frontier in Ad Creation

Gemini, which Google considers its leading AI technology, will now be used more widely across Google’s main products and services.

Applying Gemini to Google Ads is expected to be transformative, as it will enable more natural, conversational interactions that make it easier for users to create search advertising campaigns.

Thakur expressed enthusiasm about the progression, saying:

“We’ve been actively testing Gemini to further enhance our ads solutions. And, we’re pleased to share that Gemini is now powering the conversational experience. It’s the first of many Gemini integrations to come.”

The conversational tool combines advertisers’ expertise with Google’s AI capabilities. It starts with the advertiser’s website URL and uses AI to help create optimized search ad campaigns. The AI generates relevant ad content like creatives and keywords based on the site.

Beta Access For Advertisers

Google has launched the beta version of its conversational ad creation tool to English-speaking advertisers in the US and UK. The company plans to make it available globally to all English-language advertisers over the next few weeks. Support for additional languages is expected to follow.

Tests Show Enhanced Quality With Less Effort

Preliminary testing with a few advertisers has shown that conversational interactions considerably improve the quality of search advertising campaigns while decreasing the need for manual work. Ad Strength, a measurement that assesses ad copy relevance, quality, and diversity, has been a key sign of this enhancement.

Tom Foster, a Paid Search Manager at Page1, praised the new system:

“I found the conversational experience very easy to use. It helped me create even more high-quality ads with ‘Good’ or ‘Excellent’ Ad Strength, which has further improved the performance of my campaigns.”

Upcoming Features & Responsible AI Integration

Google is addressing the difficulty advertisers have in making engaging visual ads. Google plans to add a tool using AI to recommend images for campaigns. Advertisers will still choose final images to match their goals.

To be transparent about AI-generated content, Google will mark these images with invisible SynthID watermarks and metadata. This identifies images made by AI in Google Ads.

Stats show small businesses using conversational ad building are 42% more likely to get “Good” or “Excellent” Ad Strength scores. This matters because Ad Strength strongly predicts conversion rate. On average, conversions increase by 12% when Ad Strength goes from “Poor” to “Excellent.”

Looking Ahead

Google shares the industry’s optimism about the potential for AI to create new value for consumers and advertisers. However, Google aims to develop and deploy AI responsibly, in line with the principles for ethical AI development that the company outlined in 2018.

Advertisers and industry observers are advised to monitor Google Ads for future AI-enabled upgrades. Google also provides educational AI resources and tools for those interested in learning more about and working with AI technology today.

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